Friday, September 30, 2005

21 Weeks

I started my Progesterone (a hormone) shot this week. Everything seems to be the same, except for I get REALLY HOT! (This may be what makes me soooo thirsty all of the time) I still take my 2 daily shots of Heparin to thin my blood. Those are easy needles compared to the new shot! I have to go in to the Doctor's once weekly to have it done. I am also proud to announce that i am now feeling some definite kicks and movement from the baby! He/she is very active around 2:15 am, noon and about 7 pm...

Here's a side view of all the "progress" for all of you out-of-towners! The baby's heartbeat this week was 148. That is significantly lower than the others, all in the 160's. Usually, they say 150's & under for a boy, over for a you tell me? what do ya think?

Here's what is happening this week with the baby:The baby now weighs 10 1/2 ounces and is about 7.2 inches long. It is about the size of a large banana! The baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid to help its digestive system mature. All of the other organ systems slow their growth this week and begin to mature as well.